
It opens your eyes.

It's a wonderful program.

It makes people whole.

Books bring up real life.

I listen better now.

These books make you think.

Different and unique.

You learn about people.

A great break from the day.

It builds community.

Levels the playing field.

It's really special.

I loved it.

Every voice was appreciated.

It's very empathetic.

Great discussions!

We are more alike than different.

A lot of fun.

You make new friends.

It stimulates my brain.

It was amazing.

Books @ Work is now Reflection Point

Books@Work has become Reflection Point

We have changed our name. Why? Because it’s more than a book or a story – it’s about the conversation.

Taking a pause to reflect, learn and share together is crucial to inclusive, collaborative and healthy organizations and communities.

We may be changing the name, but we are not changing our promise!

We are continuing our work at Please visit us there!