Welcome to Books@Work

We hope you’ll join our community of readers and thinkers – and add your voice to the conversation.

What is Books@Work?

Books@Work is a series of literature discussions, at work or in the community, with a college professor. At Books@Work you will

  • Share and discuss your ideas and reactions
  • Get to know each other in a completely different way
  • Have fun with interesting stories and conversations
  • Read books you might not pick up by yourself

The program is voluntary and open to everyone, regardless of role or background, and the books are yours to keep.

Books We Read

We read stories in a range of genres and styles, including

  • Fiction
  • Non-Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Science Fiction, and much more. . .

But not business or self-help books.

The first month, we choose a book based on the interests you share in a survey. After that, we offer at least three books for you to choose together as a group.

To see examples of books we have read in the past, check out our bookshelf.

What does Books@Work do for my organization?

Fosters a culture of openness and inclusion
Builds networks and opportunities to collaborate
Breaks down barriers by offering the chance to challenge assumptions about ourselves and others