In the Age of Technology, Social Connection May Still Drive Lifelong Learning

In the Age of Technology, Social Connection May Still Drive Lifelong Learning

Last week, the Pew Research Center released a detailed report on Lifelong Learning and Technology, exploring the extent to which American adults seek extra knowledge for personal and work-related reasons. The report was heartening, if only because the number of American adults who consider themselves lifelong learners, in both personal and professional capacities, is far greater than I feared. But the report was most fascinating for its confirmation of something many of us suspect, but find unpopular to espouse: humans may still prefer to learn from each other than from technology.

First, the best news: The Pew research shows that 74% of American adults have participated in at least one form of “personal learning” over the past 12 months.

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Curiosity: One Key to Lifelong Learning

Curiosity: One Key to Lifelong Learning

As an undergraduate, I took as many classes as possible. Each course refracted the world back differently to me, shaping my perception and teaching me the value of nuance and depth. But I found myself fascinated by the professors themselves even more than I was interested in the course material. Most of all, I was taken with their curiosity. Though they taught courses that spanned centuries of history and knowledge, each professor approached his or her subject from a highly-refined specialty. Professors were experts in a small, specific area. They were deeply as well as broadly curious – about their subject matter, about their students. Their curiosity was contagious.

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Need productivity at work? Take a break together.

Need productivity at work? Take a break together.

Books@Work helps your employees take a break from work—together.

Even as I write these words, having learned what I have from hundreds of participant interviews, I cringe a bit–worried that they will somehow be misunderstood. After all, do employers really want large groups of employees taking a break from work together? We have overwhelming support that Books@Work helps people connect with each other at a deeper level, to explore ideas they rarely get to share and to create a culture of respect, inclusion and openness to diverse perspectives. The benefit of these outcomes to the workplace is not hard to understand.

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Beautiful Ideas: The Serious Pleasures of Suspense

Beautiful Ideas: The Serious Pleasures of Suspense

In each of our programs, we survey participants to find out what genres they like to read. In those surveys and in interactions we have throughout the program, we often discover that people like to read mysteries and suspense stories. Our forays into this genre have surprised and delighted us—these books make for a marvelous Books@Work experience. In fact, one group recently shared that they made a pact not to read ahead and they solved the mystery together, intensifying their connection as a group.

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“Creative Discomfort”: Exploring Unfamiliar Literature

“Creative Discomfort”: Exploring Unfamiliar Literature

In a recent Harvard Business Review article, YesWare’s VP of Product, Jake Lavirne, asserts, “An environment of discomfort contributes to creativity by breaking people out of their normal thought patterns, encouraging original thinking and risk-taking.” Interestingly, an effective Books@Work seminar does just that—by creating opportunities to discuss provocative narratives, it pushes participants to challenge their own assumptions and reconsider their beliefs and their routines. Time and again, participants tell us that they come away seeing the world and themselves anew, able to take a step back from their daily lives to consider what those daily lives might really mean. In a recent Books@Work seminar, Professor Ryan Honomichl (whose work has been previously featured on The Notebook) led a seminar with a group of participants in a distribution center near Cleveland on Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go. Reading and discussing Ishiguro’s haunting novel permitted them to cultivate “creative discomfort”—together.

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Sharing Good Books: How Conversation Bridges Differences and Fosters Empathy

Sharing Good Books: How Conversation Bridges Differences and Fosters Empathy

From empirical studies on the psychological impact of reading to such philosophical perspectives as Martha Nussbaum’s notion of literature’s capacity to foster the “moral imagination” of readers, intellectuals across the disciplines have established a growing consensus about the power of reading to foster empathy, a crucial civic intelligence in a free society and a powerful aptitude for professional success and leadership skills. While a growing body of evidence reveals the incredible power of literary reading to promote imaginative empathy and intellectual curiosity, that potential may not be achieved through the reading experience alone, especially given inequalities in formal backgrounds and educational experiences at most workplaces (and in many communities).

My years of teaching have taught me that tried-and-true conversation is the most enduring method of bridging differences and sharing ideas, and conversations about books make the most of their capacity to enhance readers’ empathy.

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Phenomenal: Bringing Maya Angelou’s Poetry to Cleveland Single Moms

Phenomenal: Bringing Maya Angelou’s Poetry to Cleveland Single Moms

Professor Michelle Rankins led a lunchtime seminar on two poems by Maya Angelou during the first Cleveland Single Moms Conference in October. The group read “Phenomenal Woman” in unison, forceful and strong voices booming through the open air of the Cleveland Galleria. The Single Moms Conference offered Books@Work the chance to reach readers who might feel isolated. “When I read it, it made me think that beauty is internal,” one participant said. “When you find your inner strength,” another noted, “no one can touch you.”

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Comparing Points of View: A Reading Journey

Comparing Points of View: A Reading Journey

Talking about books is an opportunity to see even more perspectives and to gain a nuanced approach to our own. If we live in the echo chamber of our own heads and never listen to alternate voices, we risk missing the ways our thinking has become cramped or trapped–and we’ll never learn to disagree productively or to speak up at work, either.

Paying attention to and learning from other perspectives enriches our sense of the world and our place in it. It can help us feel less isolated, less cut off from people who disagree with us. It can help us find kindred spirits in even the most unlikely places. And, instead of “complaining because the rose bushes have thorns,” we are reminded to “rejoice because the thorn bushes have roses.”

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